POSTED UNDER Love, Spring, Water

Save the Turtles

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
Turtles are one of my totem animals and are creatures that I truly love. However, you can easily adapt this spell for other animals. Fill a chalice or goblet with water-preferably use ocean water, but spring water with salt added will work. By the light of a silver candle, charge three blue stones or glass marbles with energy to keep the turtles safe, and then drop them one by one into the chalice. I also like to put a small statue or image of a turtle near the chalice, although you could just write the animal's name on a piece of paper and tuck it under the chalice. Allow the candle to burn some each day-a half hour will work just fine. A pillar candle would be good for this spell, since it will burn longer before needing to be replaced.
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