POSTED UNDER Bath, Healing, Love, AND MORE

A Good Healthy Soak

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Take time for your own good health and enjoy a nice relaxing bath. You can mix up this concoction and keep it handy near the tub. Combine the following ingredients in a medium-size glass bowl. As you add each herb, charge it with its particular intention. Use four parts rose petals (love), two parts carnation petals (strength), two parts lavender (peace), two parts lemon peel(courage), and one part dried, grated ginger (healing). Stir together well and store in a sealed, dry container.
To use, place ½ cup of the mix in a small muslin bag and toss into the running water along with ½ cup Epsom salt. If you don't have any muslin bags, place the bath mix in the middle of a washcloth and fasten it with a rubber band or some string. Make sure to use a cloth that you don't mind staining.
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