Craft a Quill for Magical Writing

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Feathery quill pens are the embodiment of air, the element that rules thoughts and ideas-the essence of spellwork. Think of how much more potent the words of a spell can be when they're written with implements made especially for that purpose. Find or purchase a feather to create a quill for magical writing. You'll also need a pen knife and a few craft supplies.
Use your favorite reference to trim the feather and shape the nib. (I use Once the quill is cut and finished, paint or dye and decorate it. Use colors associated with the work you want to do: for healing spells, use a blue quill; for love spells, pink or red; for prosperity, green.
Bless your quill before you use it:

"From this quill
Flow my words.
And from my words,
Magic to (insert purpose)."

Keep your quill wrapped in a dark cloth when not in use.
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About Natalie Zaman
Natalie Zaman is the author of Color and Conjure and Magical Destinations of the Northeast (Llewellyn); the co-author of Sirenz (Flux), Sirenz Back In Fashion (Flux), and Blonde Ops (Thomas Dunne Books); and is a contributor to various Llewellyn annual publications. ...
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