POSTED UNDER Blessing, Charm, Earth, AND MORE

Blessing Jar Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Using a clear jar that you find pleasing, and stones, crystals, shells, beads, coins, old jewelry, or charms, focus on the symbolism of these items and the blessings you wish to bring into your life as you add each item of your choosing to the jar. Then pour a small handful of clean sand ( you can wash natural sand, or purchase decorative sand from a craft store) on top of the items, to ground them in earth and the energies of manifestation. Then pour water over all as you think of your gratitude for all that you currently have in your life. Shake the jar gently to see how things might "shake out" in your life, and let it settle. Store the jar on your altar where you can see it every day, to remind you of your gratitude for all you have, as well as what's now manifesting in your life.
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About Thuri Calafia
Thuri Calafia (Portland, OR) is an ordained Wiccan minister and High Priestess who has been teaching the Wiccan path for over thirty years. The founder of the Circles system and the Circles School of Witchcraft and Wicca, she is actively involved in her local community and teaches workshops, ...
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