As we head into the dark half of the year, many people are turning their workings inward. One way to do this is to take a look at your relationships-all of them, not just romantic ones-and see how things are working for you. Do you have some relationships that could be described as rocky at best? What do you put into these relationships, and what do you get out of them? Are they one-sided? Is it in your best interest to continue these relationships? Take a relaxing, cleansing bath, adding a few drops of frankincense and myrrh oils to the water. Mentally list the pros and cons of each questionable relationship. Can a relationship be saved? Work on it. Is a relationship beyond salvation or repair? Say goodbye with this cleansing bath and then say goodbye in person as well. Don't feel guilty about thinking of yourself; bad relationships can be destructive. End them before they get to that point.
With a spell for each day of the year, this almanac makes it easy to explore new magical endeavors.
Regardless of your interests or skill level, this spell-packed annual offers something for every...
About Kerri Connor
Kerri Connor is the leader of The Gathering Grove (a family-friendly, earth-based spiritual group) and has been practicing her craft for over thirty-five years. She is the author of several books, including Spells for Tough Times, and her writing has appeared in Head magazine and several Pagan ...