Wisdom and Serenity Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lily
Samhain and Halloween are just around the corner ! Witches are in vogue at this time of year, and everybody wants to pepper you with questions and/or spell requests, or to have you check out their haunted house. Seems to me that this is a perfect time to cast a spell for the patience and the wisdom to answer questions with poise and integrity and to the best of your ability. After all, you are setting an example when you answer questions about the Craft-so stand up and set an outstanding one! Say these words:

Samhain is just around the corner now,
Help me answer the questions of why
and how?
Grant me serenity and wisdom
that lasts,
As I am an ambassador for my Craft.
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About Ellen Dugan
Ellen Dugan is the award-winning author of fifteen books, and is known as the "Garden Witch". A psychic-clairvoyant, she has been a practicing Witch for over thirty years. Well known for her candor and humor, she is a Master Gardener, and is the High Priestess of her Coven in the St. Louis area. ...
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