POSTED UNDER Protection, Success

Tarot Spell for Safety During Travel

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lily
Since this time of year often brings travel, it's a good idea to consider safety. For this spell, you'll need the tarot cards the Knight of Wands, the World, and Strength, as well as a red, a white, and a black candle. Place the black candle to the left, the white candle to the right, and the red candle in the middle of your working table or altar. In front of the red candle, set the tarot cards in a semicircle shape, with the Knight of Wands on the left, the World in the middle, and Strength on the right. Light the black candle and then the white candle to create a flow of energy. Visualize your trip and light the red candle, saying:

(Protected from harm, trouble avoided, Strength and security the whole way through. Start on the journey, successful voyage, Power of magic, protection imbue.)

Hold the visualization for as long as you can, then extinguish the candles.
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About Michael Furie
Michael Furie (Northern California) is the author of Supermarket Sabbats, Spellcasting for Beginners, Supermarket Magic, Spellcasting: Beyond the Basics, and more, all from Llewellyn Worldwide. A practicing Witch for more than twenty years, he is a priest of the Cailleach. ...
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