POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Earth, AND MORE

Go Fly a Kite

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Pine
Today is International Kite Day. Gather your family or coven for an entertaining day of kite creation.

Kites may be elaborate or simple, able to fly or merely decorative. Many books and websites are devoted to kite construction. Store-bought kites can be personalized. Write blessings and requests on the kite or on the tail
section(s). If you are aiming for a functional type of kite or going with a pre-made kite, leave enough room at the end of the day for flying, weather permitting. Or you may simply enjoy the day creating a kite to be used in the future.

Call upon the air element, the wind gods and goddesses, and air spirits to assist in your creation and flight. Bless and cleanse your kite with a sage stick, and repeat the following or create your own spell:

"Keepers of the wind, we ask you to blow gently and carry this kite aloft. Let it play in the sky and dance among the sylphs. However it please you, bring it safely back to earth. Or let it go to find another partner and rise again some other day."
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