Soften the Edge of Darkness

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lilac
The days are getting longer, but not fast enough. In the early spring, I often find myself worrying about something unknown or unidentified-fretting without knowing why or over what. I've learned how to soften the edges of darkness and worry using this simple scribing practice. All you have to do is light candles and write.

I use beeswax candles, nontoxic and sweet-smelling. Light three or four of them in fireproof containers enough to create a warm, pleasant glow. Enjoy the candlelight; observe how it softens the room's edges. Take notebook and pen, and write stream of- consciousness, without stopping, until you've completed three pages. Don't stop, don't edit, and don't worry. Whatever niggling worry you may have had will be revealed by writing, and putting it down on paper will lighten the shadows inside you. It may still be dark outside, but inside darkness has softened.
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