POSTED UNDER Bath, Healing, Summer, AND MORE

Sunburn Soothing Bath

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Summer heat and light can cause sunburn amazingly fast. Even on a cloudy day, enough ultraviolet radiation may seep through to do damage. Staying in the shade helps, but the sweltering temperatures may also produce heat rash.

Soothing a sunburn requires drawing off the heat as well as treating the burn itself. For a healing bath, fill the tub with lukewarm water and add several bags of plain green tea, which contains antioxidants. Then sprinkle a few drops of lavender essential oil into the water. These herbs have cooling properties. As you soak, say:

"Green tea, take the sun away.
Lavender, cool the burn.
Leave memories of the day
As toward the night I turn."

After leaving the bath, coat your skin with a moisturizing and healing lotion such as calendula and chamomile. Aloe vera gel is good for any spots that show blisters.
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