Let Go of Attachment

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Clove
Kids are back in school and life has shifted. It's time to let go and move on with a "release and reaffirm" ritual. You will need two sheets of paper, a pen, matches, a burning bowl, and your busy mind.

Choose a private spot, preferably outdoors. Sit on the earth to ground, and know that you are supported and protected. Take deep breaths to center yourself, then make two lists: "What I Release" and "What I Reaffirm." Do this quickly, without too much analysis or doubt. Let your deepest self speak. For the first list, you might write:

"I release busyness, obligation,
impatience, gossip, stress, and worry."

Then on the second sheet:

"I reaffirm my center, how spiritual
connection feels. I reaffirm self-care,
and how necessary it is to everything
else that I care about."

Now carefully burn both lists in your burning bowl. Let go of your attachment to "good" and "bad." Release and be at peace.
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