Appease a Spirit Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Frankincense
If you think your home has a spirit in residence, perform this spell. Begin at dusk. On a table near a window or an exterior door, place two taper candles-one white, one black. Between the candles, set a glass of red wine. On a plate, put an apple and a slice of bread, and set the plate next to the wine. Light the candles. In a gentle voice, say this charm:

"Spirit, I feel your presence day and night.
Is it you who turns on the lights?
Is it you who makes the pictures fall?
Is it you who knocks on the wall?
For you, I've prepared this special feast.
If you choose to stay, please stay in peace."

If the flames spark, the spirit is near. Let the candles burn awhile. The next day, pour the wine outside and crumble the bread on the ground. Place the apple outside and let it rot.
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