Summon a Spirit Spell

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Cedar
This spell will help you communicate with the deceased. You should perform this ritual with respect. You'll need some white sage, a small bell, a magic mirror, and a white candle in a holder. Begin by casting a protective circle and burning the sage. On a table or altar, place the bell, mirror, and candle. Light the candle and gently ring the bell three times. Call the deceased by name, and ask if they'd contact you through the mirror. Say:

"(Name of the deceased),
if you can leave death's gentle embrace,
Please show me your face."

The mirror may mist over, then watch for the deceased's face to appear. They may look younger than you remember. Quietly ask any questions; their responses will be gestures. Then thank them and let them go. Ring the bell again, clear the circle, and snuff out the candle. If this didn't work, try again. Keep your sessions short.
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