POSTED UNDER Home, Spring, Winter

Sweep Winter Away Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
This spell is based on an old German folk magic belief that you can sweep negative forces out of your home using a broom. In this case, we're going to sweep the remnants of winter out the door.

You'll need a broom and some salt. Begin by sprinkling a bit of salt along the threshold of all exterior doors. Then begin to sweep your home, moving toward all exterior doors. You may actually sweep or just use the gesture of sweeping. Visualize winter darkness being swept toward the exterior doors. Continue sweeping until you're just outside your threshold. At each threshold, sweep out the salt as you say:

"Broom, sweep away winter from
every crack and every spot,
Sweep away darkness,
gloom, and all that rot!"

Now that your home has had a psychic cleaning, you're ready for spring.
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