Sweep Away Negativity with Nettle

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Rue
Stinging nettle is one of the earliest spring greens and is native to Asia, Europe, and North America. The blanched tips are an excellent addition to pesto, and the dried leaves can be used to make a wonderful nutrition-packed tea that enhances psychic awareness.

An herb of protection since ancient times, nettle can be sprinkled around your home to protect your property, and a nettle leaf worn in your shoe is said to keep you from being led astray by evil.

Before your next ritual, add a few branches of stinging nettle to your besom to sweep away negativity from your ritual space.

A week before your ritual, use a pair of scissors to snip some branches of stinging nettle and hang to dry (remember to wear gloves-nettle stings!).

The evening before the ritual, use twine to tie some dry nettle onto your besom. After use, cut the nettle from the besom and add to the compost.
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About Monica Crosson
Monica Crosson (Concrete, Washington) is a Master Gardener who has taught gardening through her local Washington State University’s extension office for more than twenty-five years. She has been a practicing Witch and educator for over thirty years and is a member of Evergreen Coven. ...
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