POSTED UNDER Bath, Love, Passion, AND MORE

Flirtation Skills Spell

If you want to improve your flirtation skills, take a bath before you head out for an evening of romance. In the bath, place some daisy and lavender petals, a pinch of cinnamon, and a candle. Choose a pink candle for romance, or red for passion. Daisies represent innocent love, while cinnamon adds a touch of spice. Light your candle and fill the tub. Place the flowers and spice in a cheesecloth bag, and let them diffuse in the bath. Climb in, relax, and visualize the kind of lover you want. Don't use soap or any other bath products. When you're ready to get out, snuff out the candle with wet fingers. Do not rinse off, but simply towel dry. The magic of the bath will stay with you all night.
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