POSTED UNDER Family, Love, Passion

Peace Spell

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue
Today is the birthday of my previous partner, whom I chose to leave because there was more bad than good. It's been many years since we separated, but I think of him every June 9th, and I choose to remember the good stuff. The law of attraction says "good attracts good" and "what we focus on grows."

So today, call to mind someone you used to be close to, someone you loved and who loved you, someone who is no longer part of your life. It could be a friend, coworker, family member, neighbor, lover, or spouse. Think about all the goodness they brought to your life. Remember their jokes, their favorite foods, and their birthday. Celebrate them. Appreciate what they taught you and brought you. Surround your mental image of them with the glowing white light of love and compassion. Bless them and release them. Your relationship is complete.
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