POSTED UNDER Garden, Job, Water

Wash Away Anxiety Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang
No matter who we are, anxiety can creep into our lives. Before we know it, those gnawing thoughts can turn into little demons that interrupt our sleep and make daily living feel intolerable.

Release unneeded anxiety with this easy spell.

You will need:
* Stones (as many as you feel are necessary)
* A washable marker
* A large tub of water

Take as many stones as you need (garden pebbles work just fine), and with a washable marker write on each stone the anxieties you may have, such as nervousness about a new purchase or the first day of a new job or school.

Now take each stone and, one at a time, drop them into the water. Imagine yourself free of anxiety as the marker dissipates your fears in the tub of water. As you drop the last stone, say:

"I release all fear and anxiety
In the name of the Goddess.
So mote it be."
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About Monica Crosson
Monica Crosson (Concrete, Washington) is a Master Gardener who has taught gardening through her local Washington State University’s extension office for more than twenty-five years. She has been a practicing Witch and educator for over thirty years and is a member of Evergreen Coven. ...
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