POSTED UNDER Peace, Rain, Water

Protection From Nightmares

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Stress in our lives can produce unpleasant dreams and disrupt our sleep cycles, which can negatively impact our health. Lavender is calming and can help prolong sleep and ease the stressful thoughts that can lead to nightmares.

Place a bowl of saltwater beneath your bed, and before you go to sleep, place a few drops of lavender essential oil on the surface of the water. Do this each night until dreams improve.

You can also put a sprig of lavender or a lavender sachet under your pillow. Before sleeping, think back over the day's events in reverse order. This can help to reduce mental stress, which can sometimes cause nightmares to occur as our brain attempts to problem solve during sleep.

Try not to obsess over anything. Briefly acknowledge problems and tell yourself you will "sleep on it." Breathe deeply, and briefly tense and release each set of muscles, from head to toe. Refresh the lavender oil before bed to help you fall asleep gently and peacefully.
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About Peg Aloi
Peg Aloi is a freelance writer, film critic, and media studies scholar. Her anthology New Generation Witches (Ashgate Press 2008), co-edited with Hannah Johnston, explores the world of teenage witchcraft. She teaches media studies at the College of Saint Rose, and has been a consultant on a number ...
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