POSTED UNDER Cat, Love, Success

Open to Receive

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
Too often we overwork, over-function, and take care of everyone around us. If we rely on accomplishment and productivity to demonstrate our worth, insecurity can turn us into human "doings" instead of human "beings." But each of us was born worthy. Worthy of safety, security, nurture, and love. Worthy of joy, happiness, and success.

Today, release the need to do everything, and be open to receive. Let your kids make you a cup of tea. Receive and feel their love. Let your partner hold you and kiss your head. Receive and feel blessed. Let your cat weave through your legs. Receive and feel wanted. As you go through the day, let people do small things for you (open doors) and give to you (cookies offered at break time). Most of all, create the opening to allow others in. Let them care for you. Stop doing and just be. Open and receive.
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