POSTED UNDER Love, Success

Good Cents Success Mojo

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lilac
I love spell bags. These compact bundles of magick can really pack a punch! Because today is the tenth day of the month, it is a good opportunity to harness the qualities of the number's numerological vibration along with the qualities of success and attainment.

Bring to mind a goal you are working toward, and gather a small square of cloth, some ribbon or twine, a small pinch of cinquefoil (five-finger grass), and ten dimes. The dimes pack a triple dose of success energy: you will use ten of them, each dime is worth ten cents, and they are currency.

Place the dimes in a stack on top of the fabric, and sprinkle the cinquefoil over them. Place your hands over the pile, palms down, and focus on your intent, channeling energy into the mojo. Tie up the corners of the fabric with the ribbon or twine, and carry the spell bag in your pocket or place it on your altar.
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