Absorbing Negativity

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Mint
With the days growing shorter and the nights growing longer, it's easy to slip into a bit of a funk at this time of year. Time to do a little SAD first aid. SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is a mild depression that happens as a result of the lessened levels of sunlight and the resultant lower levels of vitamin D produced within the human body.

Meditate this morning, sitting quietly for ten minutes before your day starts. Close your eyes. Breathe in, pause, then exhale. Envision yourself surrounded by white light. Breathe the light into your chest. Pause and feel it travel into your head. Exhale it out the top of your head and cascade it around you. With each breath, feel the light warm and brighten you internally.

When you feel calm and centered, move on with your day. Resolve to buy vitamin D and supplement your diet.
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