Open Yourself to the Moon

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Violet
Today in 1972 was the launch of Apollo 17, the last manned lunar mission. The moon is so captivating that poets write about it, artists paint it, and lygophobics fear it. It plays an important role in astrology and has its place in the tarot's major arcana. The moon plays a part in the earth's "wobble" and pulls at the tides. Some people even respond to the moon's fullness and other phases.

Today is a new moon in Sagittarius, a perfect time for opening yourself to its energy. All you need to do is light a candle and repeat this incantation:

"Grandmother Moon, goddess of old,
Throughout the night your story is told.
By light of the flame and beat of my heart,
I open my soul, my journey to start."

Pinch out the candle and research all you can about the moon. You'll find her a great companion in your life's journey!
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