POSTED UNDER Charm, Family, Friends, AND MORE

Beat the Blues Spell

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac
For most of us, the holiday season is officially over. Like many of us, you've also probably been on a whirlwind schedule of holiday festivities since November. But now the holiday decorations come down and life returns to normal. So it's easy to feel blue at this time of year. Let this spell help you overcome the blues.

You'll need a cinnamon-scented candle, a sheet of pink construction paper, a red crayon, and a pen. First, light the candle and relax. Next, with the crayon draw a large heart on the paper. Inside the heart write this charm with the pen:

"Season of goodwill and cheer,
Family, friends, and all that I hold dear,
May you remain in my heart throughout the year."

Let the candle burn out safely. Keep the paper in a special place. Read it when you need a lift. Remember to keep in touch with everyone who made your holidays special.
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