POSTED UNDER Business, Wind

A Dab Will Do Vanilla Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Cypress
Those who work the standard business week look forward to Fridays as the end of the work week. We all hope for a pleasant and smooth Friday. Vanilla resonates with Friday's energies, and its scent is known to have a calming effect and improve the mood. Making ourselves and those around us calmer can't be a bad thing. So with the aim to end the week on a pleasant note, put on a couple dabs of vanilla extract or essential oil, take three deep breaths in and out, and then say to yourself:

"Vanilla, sweet and relaxing,
Help make the day less taxing.
Unwind and calm,
For any sore mood you
are a soothing balm.
May all our cares float away.
To all a pleasant Friday!"
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