POSTED UNDER Love, Protection

Amulet to Protect from Harm

To make a protection amulet, use a piece of jewelry that was given to you or owned by a loved one. Hold it in your palm and concentrate on it until it tingles in your hand. As the tiny vibrations grow bigger, see blue-white light emerging from the ether. At the center of the glow, visualize the Egyptian Eye of Horus. Chant: "Danger at bay, love here to stay," until you know that your amulet will warn you with a tingle whenever you need to be alert.
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About Kala Trobe
A lifelong student of the Mysteries and practitioner of conscious connection with the Divine, Kala Trobe paints and writes on such themes as spiritual evolution, goddesses and magicks. She works as a Tarot-based counsellor, holds an MA with Distinction in Literature, and relishes languages, visual ...
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