Turn Back the Hands of Time

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
On this day in 1918, Daylight Saving Time went into effect for the very first time. When the first people to experience Daylight Saving Time turned their clocks backward, they all became magicians, controlling time and using it to manipulate the daylight hours for personal gain. (And people say they don't believe in magick!)

Take a moment to think about how time affects your life. When does time move fast? When does it move slowly? When do you have too much time and not enough?

Sit down and draw a large clock on a piece of paper. Underneath the clock, write:

"Time is an illusion. All that
changes is my perception of it."

Place your paper clock in a closet and close the door. Once a week open the door, look at your clock, and see if your perception of time has changed.
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About Najah Lightfoot
Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of the bestselling Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=7400