Sweetgrass Braid and Blessing

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth
As weetgrass rite is an evocative way to welcome the spirits of summer. Cultures across North America burn braided aromatic grasses and rushes, not only sweetgrass but also whatever is available locally. Create a sweetgrass braid and then perform this cleansing and blessing.

Cut wild aromatic grasses or sweetgrass (if available in your area) to about forty inches in length. Braid loosely in three strands, like a hair braid.

Stroke the grass braid gently, and whisper your wishes.

Light the braid at dusk. Implore the earth to open the way for you and your family to have an enlightened and abundant summer.

Tamp the flame and travel through your home, clockwise, in the four cardinal directions (east, south, west, and finally north). Spread the delightful vanilla scent and inherent wisdom of the sweetgrass braid along the way.

Focus on encouraging the positive vibrations from the smoke to bless your home. Wet the braid with spring water to put it out. Hang it up to let it dry naturally, until the next usage.
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Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird is a painter and the author of several bestselling books on earth spirituality, Hoodoo, and anthropology, including Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones, 365 Days of Hoodoo, Light, Bright and Damned Near White, and African American Magick. Priestess Bird, who holds a BFA ...
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