Compliment Your Mirror Day

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Everyone has heard of enchanted mirrors. Some folks have used mirrors for magic before. Today is Compliment Your Mirror Day, a holiday devoted to self-image and self-love.

This spell calls for a mirror, preferably one you use every morning rather than just for magic. You'll also need some positive affirmations, such as Your inner beauty shines out for all to see.

First, turn off the light and imagine how many of your good qualities lie hidden most of the time, unremarked yet always with you. Meditate on what makes you wonderful. Smile as bright as you can. Turn on the light, look in the mirror, and say your affirmations to yourself. The person in the mirror is gorgeous. Take a moment to reflect on what you like about your body. It's okay if you're not perfect-nobody is. Just do your best. Then go on with your day.
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