Wishes Granted Divination

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Cedar

Use this divination to see which of your wishes is most likely to be granted the soonest. Write each of your wishes on a small slip of paper, and put these in the bottom of a large mixing bowl. Place them face down and mix them up so that you won’t know which wish is which. Fill a pitcher with warm water, and slowly pour the water into the bowl. Watch carefully and note which paper is the first to rise to the top of the bowl. If more than one paper floats up to the surface simultaneously, choose the one that is nearest you. The first wish to rise to the top will be the first wish to come to fruition.

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Melanie Marquis is an award-winning author of many books including Llewellyn's Little Book of Moon Spells, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: Pioneer and Publisher of Body, Mind, and Spirit (IPPY Gold Medal winner for Best Biography), Beltane, Lughnasadh, and A Witch's World of Magick. She is also the ...
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