POSTED UNDER Moon, Sun, Winter

Tween the Seasons Beat the Blues Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marigold

By the end of February, it can feel like winter will last forever. This late-month new moon is a great time to do a spell to lift your spirits.

Gather these supplies:
* Fabric and objects that make you happy
* Yellow candles (2 or as many as you want) in holders
* The Sun tarot card
* Citrus oil in a burner or citrus incense
* Your favorite beverage
* Your favorite dessert
* Brightly colored plates and cups

Decorate your space with fabric and objects that make you happy in colors that brighten your mood. Light the candles, placing the Sun tarot card in front of them. Scent the room with citrus.

Enjoy eating and drinking in this cheerful space, and know that the season will soon change and wonderful things are possible. Burn the candles a few minutes every day until they are finished.

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