POSTED UNDER Home, Spring, Water, AND MORE

Spring Cleaning Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Hyssop

Spring is a great time for getting bad energy out of your home. This is an easy way to rid your house of unwanted energies.

Start by placing a small crystal you are comfortable parting with near a door in your home. Then take a bowl of salted water, and using your fingers, sprinkle the water/salt mixture around your entire house, being sure to get the mixture behind doors, in corners, and around windowpanes. The salted water will kick up any negative energy in your home, which you can then sweep into your crystal using a besom or an ordinary broom. If there was a lot of negativity in your home, the crystal may end up being hot to the touch. If this is the case, we suggest picking it up with an oven mitt and burying it outdoors.

Follow this up by smudging your home with sage to fill it with positive energy.

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About Ari Mankey
Ari Mankey has been practicing Witchcraft and creating spells for over twenty years. With her husband, Jason, she runs two covens in the San Francisco Bay Area.   ...
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