POSTED UNDER Air, Relationships

Cutting Ties Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

Sometimes in life, we end up in relationships that are not in our best interest. Cutting those ties can be challenging but necessary in order for us to become our best selves.

For this spell, you’ll need:
* 1 black candle for yourself
* 1 black candle for the person with whom you are cutting ties
* Candle holders
* A small knife or wooden pick
* A length of black thread or cotton string
* A blessed pair of scissors or small blade

On the candle representing the other person, use a small knife or wooden pick to carve symbols and words representing the behaviors that are no longer acceptable to you. On your personal candle, carve words or symbols describing how you feel when you’re around the person.

Place the candles in holders on your altar, then take the black thread and tie one end of it around each candle. Focus on the energies of the person as you light their candle. Speak honestly about the reasons you’re letting them go. When the energy peaks, take a blessed pair of scissors or small blade and cut the thread between you, saying:

I forgive you for the behavior that has
caused me such pain, but I am no
longer willing to accept any more of it!
Be gone from my life! So mote it be!

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About Thuri Calafia
Thuri Calafia (Portland, OR) is an ordained Wiccan minister and High Priestess who has been teaching the Wiccan path for over thirty years. The founder of the Circles system and the Circles School of Witchcraft and Wicca, she is actively involved in her local community and teaches workshops, ...
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