POSTED UNDER Money, Prosperity

Money Meditation Mini-Boot Camp

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Myrrh

Choose a seven-day period to perform the following meditation each morning, holding your wallet or purse in your hands or lap while you meditate. Begin with this:

The flow of money in my life is
increasing in a way that is correct
and good for me. Higher self,
what can I do today to support
this healthy flow of money?

Sit in meditation for a few minutes or as long as you’d like, remaining open to guidance. Remember, you don’t need an elaborate plan; you’re simply looking for your next action step. Write it down and carry out your higher self ’s guidance throughout the day. Repeat this process each morning for a week.

This practice is a powerful commitment to co-creating prosperity, and it may challenge you to step beyond your comfort zone as you break out of the ego’s narrow perceptions of what is possible and embrace the ever-expanding reality of your higher self.

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Melissa Tipton is a Jungian Witch, Structural Integrator, and founder of the Real Magic Mystery School, where they teach online courses in Jungian Magic, a potent blend of ancient magical techniques and modern psychological insights. They're the author of Living Reiki: Heal Yourself and Transform ...
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