An Apple Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lilac

In many areas this is the time for harvesting autumn foods. Apples frequently appear in folklore, and for many reasons. In this spell, we’re going to use an apple to welcome deities into your life. You’ll need an apple, a knife, a bowl of water, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and a nail or hook.

Peel the apple, trying to keep the peel in one long strip. When the apple is peeled, plunge it in a bowl of water to which you’ve added the lemon juice. Set the peel to one side. Quarter the apple and take out the seeds.

Eat the apple, then place the seeds outside the main door of your home, alongside the path or next to the step. Hang the peel up over your door. Let your thoughts reinforce this spell by believing that you’re safe, secure, and held in the arms of the Goddess.

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