Birdseed Travel Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

Ready for a vacation but unsure how you’re going to make it happen? Put in a request with the most frequent flyers of all: the birds. As creatures of the air element, birds cover large distances, representing travel, communication, and movement. All you need for this spell is a handful of birdseed and a quiet outdoor place where you know many birds live.

Place the seeds on the ground, using them to carefully spell out the name of the destination you want to travel to. Visualize your trip as if you’re already experiencing it, exactly as you wish it to be. What does it sound like? Is it sunny? Is there water? Who is with you?

Listen for a moment to the birds singing, acknowledging their presence. Say:

Feather and flight, soaring birds,
Take my wishes to the sky.
To manifest my travel goals,
My dreams grow wings and fly.

Let the birds eat the seed and carry your wishes far and wide into the air.

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About Kate Freuler
Kate Freuler is the author of Magic at the Crossroads: The Devil in Modern Witchcraft and Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick and the Dark Moon. She has written articles for Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, Llewellyn's Spell-a-Day Almanac, and Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac. She lives in ...
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