POSTED UNDER Earth, Kitchen, Love, AND MORE

Near Miss Day

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Geranium

On this date in 1989, an asteroid came very close to hitting the earth. Since then, people have celebrated March 23 as Near Miss Day.

What other near misses have you or your loved ones experienced? Tainted food? Car accident? Kitchen mishap? Those experiences stay with us long after the actual event. Take some time today to ponder those events and your good fortune, and perhaps write about them.

Soteria is the Greek goddess of safety, deliverance, and protection from hurt, and Soter is her male counterpart. Express gratitude for your near misses and call upon Soteria and Soter and/or the Lady and Lord to continue to offer their protection:

In great thanks for the protection
from any “almost” injurious
occasion, we ask to be kept well
and whole going forward.

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