Conversing With The Spirits

If you wish to revisit a passed-on loved one, this is a rite that may open the doorway between the realms. On the anniversary of the departed one's death, go off alone and light three purple candles and one black cat candle figure. Arrange them on a table with a mirror and turn out the lights. As you sit before the mirror and candlelight, call out the departed one's name over and over as if chanting a sacred mantra. After a time, you will see the spectre of the departed one behind you as you gaze into the mirror. Continue chanting, and you will hear the spectre's voice as if it were your own thoughts. When the spirit has said all that he or she wishes, the spectre will disappear. Afterwards, extinguish the candles and thank the spirit aloud for heeding your call. Take flowers to the resting place of the departed as a gesture of gratitude.
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