POSTED UNDER Cure, Protection, Water

Amulet of Protection

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Lily

Today is All Saints’ Day. Historically, this was a time to honor obscure saints who might otherwise be forgotten. People would also honor their personal saints. Afro-Caribbean traditions connect Christian saints with African loas or orishas. Some Pagans observe this as a holiday for all deities, especially the minor ones who can get overlooked.

That is an ideal time for broadspectrum protection spells. Get an amulet that depicts several deities or traditions that you like. Many interfaith buttons or pendants can serve this purpose. Cleanse the amulet with salt and water, and bless it with a sacred incense such as frankincense, myrrh, cedar, sage, or eucalyptus. If you have favorite saints, orishas, or other patrons, then name them.

Finally, say:
All little gods and minor goddesses,
hidden spirits of all kinds, I honor
you today and ask for your protection.
Keep me safe from all harm.

Carry the amulet with you for safety.

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