POSTED UNDER Bath, Bathroom, Home

Tessellation in Nature and Dwellings

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue

Today is World Tessellation Day, created to honor the birth of artist M. C. Escher, who is sometimes referred to as the “father of modern tessellations.” Tessellation is where one repeated geometric shape (or tile) covers a flat surface, with no overlaps or gap. This repeating pattern can also be found in three dimensions, such as honeycombs, known as tessellation of space. Tessellations were found in ancient art and in buildings. Tiled tessellated floors often show up in homes, especially in bathrooms.

Should you wish to explore this concept further, create an altar cloth or small quilt in a tessellated pattern. You could create artwork using a star pattern, similar to a pentagram, or choose a honeycomb pattern to honor bees and their contribution to life.

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