POSTED UNDER Charm, Family, Protection, AND MORE

Animal Companion Collar of Protection

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Orchid

Animal companions are an integral part of the family, and when something bad happens to them, it can be as devastating as when something happens to anyone else in the household. While the Sun is still in family-focused Cancer, it’s a more than perfect time to include them in your family spells.

This spell is incredibly simple. A lot of witches I know like to put pentacle charms on their animal companion’s collar for protection, and you can include that in this spell if you desire, but all you need is the animal’s collar itself. Hold the collar in your hands while conjuring all your desire to protect your animal companion, and declare:

By the power of this charm,

I protect (name of animal

companion) from all harm.

By this charm which I fix and adorn,

Protect this creature while it is worn.

Simply place the collar on your animal companion. Be sure to give them lots of pets and scratches.

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About Mat Auryn
Mat Auryn is a witch, professional psychic, and occult teacher. He is also the multi-award-winning author of the international bestselling book Psychic Witch and a High Priest in the Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft. He is a teacher at Modern Witch University, and has a column in Witches & ...
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