POSTED UNDER Earth, Lammas, Moon, AND MORE

A Lammas Full Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Basil

When the August full moon rises on Lammas, the moon will cast a golden glow upon a lush, bountiful Earth ready for the harvest. This is a time to give thanks.

You’ll need a small piece of bread or cornbread. If possible, when the moon rises, go to a place outdoors where you won’t be disturbed. Bring the piece of bread as an offering. Sit on the ground holding your bread. Raise the bread toward the moon and say:

Mother Earth and Mother Moon,

Summer’s end is coming soon.

We still have the sun and August heat,

And the earth’s bounty is at its peak.

Thank you for the harvest

that is at hand,

Thank you for the bounty

that is upon the land.

End by leaving your bread on the ground as a sign of thanks to Earth and the moon.

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