Fairy Bread Fertilizer

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Vanilla

For crofters in Scotland, soil repair is a point of cultural pride. From peat roofs to cow patty logs, the farmer feeds the earth near as much as the animals in the northern climates.

Over the centuries, this idea of feeding the soil has evolved into many recipes for fairy bread. Left out in late summer to entice the fairies to return next spring, this sweet promise offers the earth spirits the seeds and bulbs within. Fairy bread is fun to make and easy to pack into fun shapes for gifting. You will need:

12 cups mud

1 cup wildflower seeds

3 tablespoons molasses

3 tablespoons Shaggy Mane mushroom spores

12 crocus bulbs

Mix everything but the bulbs in a large bucket, then pack more mud around the bulbs in a ball or press them into silicone craft molds and garnish them with spores, clay, or sand. Finally, let them dry for one week and then plant or gift them.

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