POSTED UNDER Blessing, Moon

Tarot Spell for Joy

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender

Today let’s call on Euphrosyne, the Greek goddess of happiness, mirth, and hospitality (and one of the Graces) to bless us.

You will need:

  • Four of Wands tarot card
  • Ten of Pentacles tarot card
  • Three of Cups tarot card
  • A carnelian stone

Shuffle your tarot deck, thinking of things that give you joy. Pull out the cards listed above and place them in a pyramid, with the Four of Wands and the Ten of Pentacles on the bottom and the Three of Cups at the apex, with all three cards touching at the edges. Place the carnelian where the three cards meet. Say:

Euphrosyne, I ask your blessing.

May my soul be aflame to give

and receive happiness, hospitality,

and laughter. So mote it be!

Keep the spell untouched through the next full moon (on the 28th), then return the cards to the deck and carry the carnelian in your pocket.

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