POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Kitchen, AND MORE

Clean Kitchen Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Geranium

Thanksgiving is early this year, so let’s clean the kitchen (even if you’re not cooking in it). Call on Hygeia, the Greek goddess of cleanliness, or Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth, to bless your mop and filled bucket. Burn some cleansing incense (such as rosemary) and put on your favorite upbeat music. Open the windows.

Mop the floors, wipe down the counters, scrub the sink, clean the stove, clean out the refrigerator, and do any dishes lying around. Take out the garbage.

Dance around the kitchen, singing along with the music, if you want! That will get the energy moving. When you’re finished and everything is put away, turn off the music. Stand in the middle of the room. Open your arms, palms up, and feel the clean, fresh energy.


Thank you, (name of goddess), for

today’s blessing. May the energy of

health, prosperity, and abundance

fill this space. So mote it be.

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