POSTED UNDER Air, Money, Passion

Human Rights Day

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Marigold

Today is Human Rights Day, in honor of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Call on Aequitas, the Roman goddess of equality and fairness, and Themis, one of the Greek goddesses of justice.

Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Then place a small scale on your altar. Light a white candle and say:

I, (your name), believe in equality and

justice for all. I call upon Aequitas and

Themis to help me walk in fairness,

compassion, and justice every day,

no matter the obstacles. Help me

embody these qualities in the world.

Let your candle burn out safely, or relight it and repeat the spell for nine nights.

Research human rights organizations and choose one to work with for the coming year, giving either money or time, in the quest for human rights for all.

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