Winter Wind Cleaning

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Frankincense

The nature of winter is cold and clean. The dry air is clear so that everything is easy to see. By day, the sun sparkles on the snow. By night, the stars twinkle sharp in the sky. Winter brings clarity of thought and vision.

For this spell you need only yourself and an open space outdoors where the wind blows free. It doesn’t have to be a fierce wind; even a breeze will do. Dress appropriately for the weather. Just make sure you can still feel the air on some part of your body.

Stand outside and turn your face into the wind. Feel it flowing over and around you. Then say:

Winter wind, wild wind,
Blow so clean and clear;
Sweep my body and mind
Free of doubt and fear.

Visualize wind blowing through you and clearing away anything that doesn’t belong, such as negative thoughts, stray bits of foreign energy, unhelpful ideas, and so on.

When you feel refreshed and clean, go back indoors and warm up.

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