Make a Balance Ladder

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel

Witch’s ladders have been employed by magick workers since at least the seventeenth century. They are made with rope, often three feet long. Tied into the rope every few inches are knots, feathers, sticks, hair, fur, and all manner of charms, stones, and baubles. Witch’s ladders are used for protection, summoning, sending messages to spirits, and warding off onlookers.

This take on a Witch’s ladder helps create balance. First get thirty six inches of rope or twine. Collect items representing balance for your life. These can be anything: a coin for continued wealth, acorns for timely growth, a feather for spontaneous flights of fancy, a red clown nose for laughter, herbs from your window box for abundance, a train ticket for travel, or a key symbolizing a safe home. Tie the items to the rope from bottom to top. If everyone in the household is participating in the magick, create this together. Hang the ladder in a conspicuous place. If the ladder is for personal use, hang it in a secret place where only you can see it.

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