Bursting the Ties That Bind

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lilac

When a relationship ends, em otional cords often still bind the exes together. Many people don’t even realize this is happening, which is one reason they get stuck in their grief or anger. Attachment is real. This spell will help to dissolve any residual energy between the two of you.

You will need a red or black balloon. Put the opening of the balloon over your faucet and fill it with water. Stand naked in your (empty) bath or shower. Slowly turn counterclockwise in a spiral motion, holding the balloon above your head to start and gradually moving it down toward your feet. As you spin, chant the words “I erase the ties that bind.” Don’t let the balloon pop!

When you reach your feet, stomp on the balloon to burst it. If it’s not full enough to pop, you may prick it with something. Let the water flow down the drain, taking the nowsevered attachment with it. Dispose of the balloon’s carcass as far away from your home as possible.

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