A Rock in the Well Spell

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Marjoram

This spell is based on old-time Appalachian folk magic. For some reason it was usually performed in May. Originally it was performed with a rock and a well. Since most of us don't have access to wells, you may also use a birdbath, a pond, a lake, or even a bowl of water for this spell.

Begin by finding a rock that appeals to you. Hold it near your heart and ask it a question that you need answered. Meditate on this question for a while as you hold your rock. When you feel ready, drop the rock into your chosen body of water. Observe the ripples in the water. Do you see any messages in them? Keep gazing at the water, and look for images that may help answer your question. Do this for no more than about fifteen minutes. When done, if you dropped the rock into a large body of water, simply leave the rock there and walk away. If you dropped the rock into a birdbath or a bowl of water, return it outside. If you failed to get results, wait about a week and try again with another rock.

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